
I'm politically active and passionate about many social issues, so my design work tends to reflect my values. During my career, I have worked on the design/branding creation, planning and strategy for several successful campaigns advocating both for/against statewide ballot measures in Massachusetts as well as many campaigns to elect/re-elect state and local politicians running for office at all levels. Below is a highlight and summary of some large campaigns I've done branding, design, messaging or strategic work with.

The Fair Share Amendment

In 2022, The Fair Share Amendment was a Massachusetts ballot measure that appeared as Question 1. It would implement an additional 4% state tax on annual earned income in excess of $1 million. The generated revenue would be dedicated towards funding public education and transportation initiatives. Fair Share Massachusetts was lead proponent of Yes on 1 and for whom I worked. Our schools need more resources after struggling amidst a pandemic and our roads, bridges and public transit system are in disrepair. After a heated, high-spending campaign on both sides, the Fair Share Amendment passed with 52% of the vote. It is expected to generate $1.5 billion per year. A historic victory for Massachusetts residents who will all benefit, while less than 1% of residents will be subject to the additional tax.

More info and materials can be found on the coalition website:

Fully-Funding our Public Schools

In 2018, the Fund Our Future coalition was established in an effort to push Massachusetts lawmakers to pass legislation that would increase funding allotments to our public schools, which were struggling and chronically underfunded. This was  due to an outdated funding formula in place established by the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993 which never tied school funding to inflation. As lead designer for this coalition, I was thrilled when Massachusetts lawmakers signed The Student Opportunity Act into law on Nov. 26, 2019 which updates the formula and fully funds our schools. It's a tremendous victory for our students and communities. 

The coalition website remains actively engaged at

Keeping the cap on charter schools

In 2016, Question 2 asked voters in Massachusetts were if they were in favor of increasing the number of charter schools that could be formed statewide. I worked tirelessly on the No on 2 Campaign to prevent its passage. Charter schools are privately run, for-profit institutions that drain funding and resources from traditional public schools. They don't accept all students, they are not accountable to the communities in which they are established, and their teachers are not licensed and trained educators, but merely company employees. Question 2 was defeated on election day by a margin of 62 to 38. 

strengthening our public unions

In 2018, The Supreme Court was hearing the Janus v. AFSCME case, whose outcome in the very conservative court would greatly harm public employee unions by not requiring their members to pay union dues, but still requiring their unions to represent them and bargain on their behalf. In short, it would undercut union membership and collective power, hurting the working class families they are comprised of. Employed as graphic designer for the largest union in Massachusetts, I helped launch the All In campaign — dedicated to member outreach, retention and education — encouraging 112,000 existing members to keep paying their dues even after it became optional, while encouraging non-members to join. More members, more bargaining power to keep public employees fairly compensated and not destroy the middle working class that unions helped create. Not only did the Janus decision diminish the union's membership, it increased to more than 115,000 members the following year.